Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Water Conservation Ordinance 0-09-1219

This Ordinance is a good idea but how do you cite someone for "Excessive Water Flow or Runoff?"

How do you measure "Excessive." Dr. Richard Sun, Mayor, was a dentist as I recall. He must have had Chemistry classes in college. I don't ever recall a measure called "excessive."

Excessive to one is not excessive to another. If you are caught for speeding, there is a measurable speed limit.

This Ordinance is great for politicians but difficult to enforce some sections.

Let's see if we can find a "Excessive" measuring cup somewhere!!!

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

What is it like to deal with the City of San Marino?

1) In May 2009 my neighbor erected a fence that was over 6 feet tall and less than 2-inches from the property line in some spots. I called the City Planning Department. Over 3 phone calls with inspector "Billy Bob" I pointed out that the fence is over 6 feet tall and less than 2-inches from the property line. These requirements are clearly stated on the City website in the Zoning Ordinance Chapter 23. At the end "Billy Bob" said "He complied in spirit and I am going to approve it."

I didn't know you can comply with Zoning Ordinances in "Spirit."

2) The same neighbor had a crew with chainsaws trimming the oak trees in his back yard and his parkway strip on a Saturday. The Parks and Public Works manager said no permit is required. That is not what is stated in the Zoning Ordinance. More "in Spirit" compliance with zoning requirements!

3) In Aug/Sep, I had an inspection of my fence for a pool I am installing. "Billy Bob" said my driveway gate was an inch too low and the cross-bar was a few inches too low. Hey, what happened to "in spirit" compliance?

I called the Planning Director and left him a voicemail asking if I can comply in spirit as well? Why is a non-white resident required to comply to the letter of the zoning requirement?

Then another inspector showed up!! He left a note saying my side panel is too low as well. I already knew how these "little people" would react and had asked my contractor to an inch to the height.

Then I pointed out to "Billy Bob" that he should measure the driveway gate from the ground and not just the height of the gate itself. There is a 2-inch premissible gap on the bottom and so my driveway gate is 1 inch over what is required.

4) In November, my contractor went to pull a permit for a side fence. He was told I needed to get a survey done before a permit can be granted.

On Nov 16 I went down to Cith Hall myself because I didn't read that as a requirement anywhere.

The lady tried to tell me the same thing. I asked her to please show me where it says a survey is required for a fence. Then she backed off and said you need a fence line agreement or the fence has to be 2-inches away from the fence line. I told her it is 2 inchese away.

My wife appointed me as her agent by signing the agent appointment form. We needed info on the contractor so I had to come back on Tues. I asked the lady if she can witness that my wife was here and signed the form. She made a copy of her driver's license and said it will be fine tomorrow.

Well, on Tues, the other lady behind the counter said I need to have the appointment form "notarized." I asked her to show me this. She pointed out the form which said "driver'slicense, notarized letter, or....." I said "excuse me, it is "or" not AND" She said "I know my english." I don't think you do.

Then she said "My Director wants this." I said Mr. Saldana can want all he wants but if it is not the law or zoning requirement, he can take a hike. Then I asked, if you need a "notarized" form, where is the place for the notary to sign and put his seal? She said "you have to provide that yourself." Right.

I got my permit.

5) Now the stories I have heard about a realtor passing tickets for a ice skating performance comes to mind. Maybe I should have included a box of Krispy Kreme do-nuts when I submit my permit application. Then I can comply in "Spirit" as well!

San Marino is a nice Southern town. All we need is Detective Virgil Tibbs to come in and clean it up.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Beautiful Oak Trees in San Marino

A lot of oak trees in San Marino are under stress from too much watering of the parkway strip. For example, the tree trunks are washed down regularly from sprinklers. The parkway strip is watered regularly at 1480, 1430 and 1310 Lorain Road. There is so much watering at 1430 that there is sign of moss and thinning of the canopy.

Oak trees are falling down. When will the Parks Dept start telling howeowners to stop watering?

Lots of info on over watering of oak trees:

Oak root fungus:
At least San Marino Unified is not the only district having trouble with non-performing teachers. I have been told many times that the district passed out notices that have "no relationship to quality of performance."

Here are a few Letters to the Editor at the L.A. Times,0,7980669.story

Friday, 10 April 2009

Bravo to Gene Ruckh

Gene Ruckh writes the truth about the school district and the school's performance.

Like UTLA, San Marino passed out layoff notices without any "relationship to performance." San Marino schools perform well because of the students and the importance of education to the families of those students.

There are entire generations of contributing and high achieving adults who went to school with 30 or more other classmates.

Richard Sun told me during his campaign that he is "different." So far, Dr. Sun is the same old shoe. Do things that are comfortable.

If budget is such a problem, why are we replacing street signs. How much does that cost? Oh please don't tell me it was approved before the economy imploded.

VOTE NO on E. Make those responsible accountable. Giving the schools a parcel tax is like giving drugs to a drug addict.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Another school district has to extend the parcel tax band-aid:

"In 2004, voters approved Measure E: a $98 parcel tax that generates approximately $2 million per year for the Las Virgenes Unified School District. It required a 2/3 voter approval to pass. That approval expires next year.

On Tuesday, November 6th, voters will vote on an extension of Measure E. This time, for 8 years. Like last time, It will pass if there is 2/3 voter approval. "

No on Measure E

I started this blog on April Fools Day to highlight the arguments behind Measure E.

On the front page of the March 27, 2009 San Marino Tribune, a photo of Carver's 5th grade teachers appears. The "ear to ear" smiles of the teachers don't agree with the heading "Three of Carver's four 5th grade teachers...will be gone if Measure E is defeated in May." Those in the photos seem to be looking forward to a layoff.

On the back of the same issue, a full page ad by a former school board president fail to highlight what conditions are attached to the Parcel Tax.

How about getting the school district to commit to balancing the school budget by year-5 of this 6 year parcel tax. Afterall, there is no guarantee that the state will increase funds to schools in 6 years. What if there are more cuts coming?

This is another taxpayer bailout with no conditions attached. Another AIG, GM, Chrysler bailout. We need the district to commit to balancing the budget by a specific date before the Parcel Tax runs out.

Washington is requiring concessions from GM management, employees and unions. How about the school district? I don't see any employee, union or administrator cutting salary or benefits? How about giving up $795 to match what is asked of the homeowners? They want to keep their full salaries and benefits; while asking homeowners to pay up! What a Team spirit.

I asked Dr. Yen of the school board what was the situation when the school district budget was $4-5 million less? No answer.

Just fill this out:

2008 school budget: $
Number of Students:
Average cost to educate each student:
Number of Teachers:
Student - Teacher ratio:
Total salary cost of teachers:
Total cost of teachers including all benefits:
Average cost per teacher including all benefits:
Number of Administrators:
Total salary cost of Administrators:
Total cost of all admin including all benefits
Average cost per Administrator including all benefits:
Total number of all employees:
Total salary cost of all employees:
Total cost of all employees including benefits:
Average cost per employee including benefits:
Other major categories of expense: maintenance, insurance, etc

19XX or 20XX school budget (2008 budget less $5 million): $
Number of Students:
Average cost to educate each student:
Number of Teachers:
Student - Teacher ratio:
Total salary cost of teachers:
Total cost of teachers including all benefits:
Average cost per teacher including all benefits:
Number of Administrators:
Total salary cost of Administrators:
Total cost of all admin including all benefits:
Average cost per Administrator including all benefits:
Total number of all employees:
Total salary cost of all employees:
Total cost of all employees including benefits:
Average cost per employee including benefits:
Other major categories of expense: maintenance, insurance, etc

Now let's look at where the costs went up. How do we get back to when the budget was $4-5 million less?

The proponents of Measure E is also trying to buy the senior votes by giving a senior exemption. But no one discusses what happens when these same seniors want to sell their homes. A buyer will not only pay the 1% Proposition 13 property tax but now will have another $795 on top of that.

Throwing more money into a budget problem is like giving drugs to a drug addict. It is a band-aid and not a solution.

Tax dollars will be even more scrace in the years to come. By not addressing the root cause and coming up with a logical solution, the school budget shortfall will still be a problem 6 years from now.

Vote NO on Measure E.