Friday, 11 March 2016

San Marino Unified School District DOES NOT need more money

While the Superintendent Dr. Cherniss and the School Board whine about lack of school funding, it continues to subsidize the education of students who don't live in the District.

- 232 students in the current 2015-2016 school year only come to San Marino during the day to attend our schools. 

The parents of these students DO NOT live in the City of San Marino and DO NOT pay any parcel tax like the rest of the home and property owners in San Marino.

- 74 students are so-called "parachute kids" from outside California and the United States who are only here by themselves to attend our schools.  This is a 25% INCREASE from the 2013-2015 school year!

The parents of these foreign parachute kids pay a San Marino homeowner to house and feed their children so they have a San Marino address and can attend San Marino schools.  In January, 2016 a lady by the name of Amy Lai living on Old Mill Road advertised on a "Homestay" website that she will house and feed a child for $2500 a month. She boasts that she already has 2 female students enrolled at San Marino High.

Did the School District do anything?  The Assistant Superintendent says "our hands are tied."  No Sir, you are sitting on your hands because it is easier not to do anything since you get paid wasting taxpayer money.

The District can do more to limit these 306 non-resident students but elected not to.

306 students is equivalent to 14 classes at 23 students each.  At $62,000 average annual salary in SMUSD, this is OVER $862,000 in SALARY ALONE.  Add to that an average of 30% for insurance, pension contributions and other benefits and it is $1,121,000 in UNNECESSARY expense wasted by SMUSD and its School Board.

We can easily terminate one of our parcel taxes if we eliminate these 306 students from the backs of San Marino home and property owners.