Thursday, 31 October 2019

San Marino High School Visual and Performing Arts Car Wash Fundraiser

In this flyer, Friends of SMHS VAPA state: "Tax Deductible Checks can be made to Friends of SMHS VAPA."

This is not so according to the IRS.  If a benefit is received by the donor, e.g. a car wash, then the value of the car wash is not tax deductible.  Let's obey the tax laws.

Sunday, 27 October 2019

October 25, 2019 San Marino CA 91108 City Council Meeting

I attended the City Council Meeting and the first item on the agenda was the hiring of the new Finance Director.

Councilman Ken Ude asked if Mr. Paul Chung is "coachable."  Mr. Chung is an analyst and does not have experience as a Finance Director.  City Manager Marlowe said "yes."  Mr. Ude asked if the City Council can be involved in the coaching.  Ms. Marlowe said "no, he reports to me."  Marlowe must have forgotten she reports to the City Council.

The City Manager said Mr. Chung is available to start work on Monday November 25th.  I asked to be heard and explained the following to the Council which went completely over their heads:

1) Week of Nov 24th is a short week since it is Thanksgiving.
2) Why pay someone 5 days to work 3; plus most staff leave early on Wednesday before Thanksgiving

Plus the staff Mr. Chung needs to meet might not be in during that short week.

But since the City Council members are not hiring for their own business or practice and it's only our taxpayer dollars, wasting 2 days' salary is not an issue.

The Councilmembers need to be "COACHED" to think of the City's money as their own money.  Spend the City's money as if you are spending your own money.

They need to lead by example.  San Marino has a revenue and expense problem according to the City Manager and the Council because it needs to have a Utility Tax and a Special Public Safety Tax in order to operate. 

Let's start reducing expenses, NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE REDUCTION THE COUNCIL NEEDS TO START.  Don't be led by the City Manager.  Manage the City Manager for once.

The San Marino Tribune Will Never Print This Letter

I sent this letter to Tribune writer Mitch Lehman.  Another San Marino resident went down to the Tribune office to submit his "Dear Editor" letter and was given an indication that it would be printed.  No such luck.  Very one-side publication but how can an objective newspaper stand by false information and data?  Fake News!

The group "San Marino Residents for Measure SM" is saying defeat of this Special Public Safety Tax will leave San Marino CA 91108 with 2 first responders: 1 firefighter and 1 police officer.

This group must have confirmed with the City Council that the Council will allow this to happen; the City Council will not eliminate other non-essential expenses and programs in order to protect the lives and properties of San Marino residents.  That would be a first anywhere.  A City Council will not adjust the City's budget to make sure fire and police protection remain intact.

The Truth Behind San Marino Parcel Tax Measure SM on Scribd