Mayor Steve Huang attended the Preserving San Marino meeting on Tues Dec 3rd.
I asked the Mayor if the public safety tax did not pass, would the City Council really lay off all but 1 firefighter and 1 policeman. He replied they would find the money. I from the reserves?
That means the fear mongering message from the Committee of San Marino Residents for Measure SM of only having 2 first responders is NOT TRUE. Then I said the Committee of SM Residents for Measure SM placed an ad that says all but 2 first responders would be laid off and the City Council did not refute this claim but also signed and endorsed another ad from the same Committee for Measure SM.
Mayor Huang's response was "Whatever works."
I guess the "end justifies the means" is the MO of San Marino. What ever happened to honesty and integrity?