Thursday, 31 December 2020
2021 NO on E for San Marino PERMANENT school parcel tax
I started this blog back in 2008/2009 under the title "No on E" and here we go again.
The March 2nd Special Election for the San Marino Unified School District Parcel Tax Measure E is NOT a simple renewal for a set number of years like the 2015 Measure E renewal was "for six (6) years."
Measure E should not pass because only a voter initiative in a future election can end it. The voter initiative process is complicated and expensive. Proponents wanting to end Measure E will spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to prepare/submit the initiative to the Attorney General. If approved, hundreds of signatures still have to be collected to qualify the measure for an election.
No Transparency: Campaign to “renew” the parcel tax was announced after deadlines to file Argument Against (Dec 11) and Rebuttal (Dec 21) to supporting statement. Voters against a tax in perpetuity would likely have filed opposition statements.
Tax Will Be In Perpetuity: Current tax renewed for 6 years. Measure E will be in effect forever without an end date. SMUSD will never have to explain why tax is still needed.
Extremely Difficult To Change: Tax can only be ended by a voter initiative following a very complex process requiring hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to qualify a voter initiative for an election. If passed, this Measure E school parcel tax will survive all of us and our heirs.
Vote No on Measure E. Let SMUSD revise Measure E back to a reasonable renewal for a set number of years.San Marino Unified School District March 2021 Parcel Tax Ballot Statement on Scribd
In March, 2015, it was a renewal for six (6) years with an end-date to the tax
San Marino Unified School District March 2015 Measure E Renewal Ballot Statement on Scribd
Crane No-Bid contract: Response to Steve Talt Esq. to read San Marino City Ordinance 02.05.06 in its entirety.
Merry Christmas Steve. I'm finally getting around to your suggestion below that I read 02.05.06 in its entirety.