Statements were made by Mayor Steve Talt and another attendee at a Tues meeting regarding outsourcing our building dept to the LA County Dept of Public Works.
Steve said something like "we are not going to hand it over to a bureaucrat" and "if you have a problem today, you can go see the City Manager to ask to see Aldo"
Another attendee was concerned we would end up with lots of "McMansions."
The following is a "Fact Check" on the statements made.
Our City will be supervised by a licensed "Senior Civil Engineer" who is considered the Office Manager, like Aldo. NO "bureaucrat" involved. And a Plan Check engineer is availble to answer questions and review plan check changes ON THE SPOT. Seems even faster as you don't have to go through the City Manager to get to the Plan Check Engineer. Not sure if Aldo is a licensed engineer or not.
I spoke with Mr. Alameddine from LAC DPW this morning to get answers to my questions. Here is what he said:
1) The Senior Civil Engineer is a licensed engineer assigned to San Marino as the Manager. He will be at the DPW office on Baldwin across from the mall.
2) This Sr Engineer will supervise licensed Plan Check engineers and licensed Inspectors.
3) If we want staffing in our City Hall say for 3 days a week, that can be arranged. Outside of the 3 days, homeowners, architects, contractors etc can take their changes and questions to the Baldwin office or the Fremont office (both within 10-15 min of San Marino) to have their change requests and questions handled.
4) As for "McMansions" the LAC DPW does not get involved with the City's planning decisions or approvals for a project. LAC DPW only enforces what the City has approved for a project along with State and Federal regulations. There are County amendments to certain codes but it is up to San Marino whether to accept or not accept.
5) LAC DPW will enforce San Marino municpal codes. Our DRC, Planning Commision, and codes do not allow for "McMansions." Plans are submitted to DRC and Planning Commission for approval so if the approved plans do not show a "McMansion" then a "McMansion" will not be allowed in Plan Check and inspections. DPW will enforce that.
6) Also from an earlier communication, if a homeowner reports what looks like un-permitted construction activity, a LAC DPW inspector would be dispatched to investigate. If there is an emergency after regular business hours, like a fire, an inspector would be available to inspect the structure for safety concerns.
We pay for the time that is used by our homeowners and their projects. Today, we pay for full-time staffing even if there is not enough work or planchecks that uses 40 hrs a week. With LAC DPW, if we want a staff at City Hall 4 hours a day, 3 days a week, we pay for 12 hours. Same for inspectors; we pay for the hours the inspector is inspecting. If we don't want City Hall staffing, we pay for the hours spent by plan check engineers and inspectors at DPW office and field inspections. All can be part of the charge the homeowner pays for the permit.
I hope this clarifies what Steve said. There is no "bureaucrat" involved if we outsource our Bldg Dept to LA County. Not sure where Steve got his information from regarding a "bureaucrat." The attached document has more details on the process.
Councilmember Dr. Huang had suggested a City budget that is 10% less than last year's, but the City Manager was not capable of even delivering a flat budget with no increase. Outsourcing the Bldg Dept is a great way to reduce our expenses and also provide an opportunity for revenue generation that will benefit the City. It will save the City money by not having fulltime staffing and growing pension liabilities.
A paragigm shift in how our City is run is not "a trim around the ears and neck line" (at a barber shop). Mayor Talt, we need a complete crew cut to take our City back from the employees who are holding tax payers hostage.
Finally, it was said during our meeting that our City cannot be run like a private enterprise/business because of union complexities. How do Boeing, General Motors, US Steel, UPS and many others manage to run their businesses that involve multiple unions? I am sure the United Auto Workers and United Steel Workers unions are more militant than our fire and police unions. Maybe we need more experience on the Council who have run businesses with more than 50 employees to deal with the complexities.
(When it is time to discuss an Admissions Tax to help pay for our fire and police expenses, I hope elected officials will do their homework and only make statements that are factual. Pasadena has an Admissions Tax (Municipal Code 4.48.040). There are no 1st Amendment rights issues and there are exemptions for schools, health clubs, fraternal and social organizations , etc. etc. that are clearly documented in both the Pacific Grove ordinance and the Pasadena ordinance. San Marino does not have to re-invent the wheel.)
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