San Marino Citizens and Parents of Sts Felicitas and Claibourn School Students, ask the San Marino City Council to REJECT the Metro plans that would widen Huntington Drive from Atlantic to Rosemead, synchronize traffic lights that will bring more traffic and increase the average speed to 56mph (by Metro's own estimates).
These 710 Projects bring more cars, more air pollution, more noise pollution and decrease safety for our children who walk or bike to school.
Go to this link and sign the Petition to say NO 710 Projects in San Marino
Instead of completing the 710 freeway from Valley Blvd in Alhambra
all the way to the 210, Metro is now proposing a host of projects for local
streets to carry traffic from the end of the 710 to the 210.
Metro is offering San Marino $32 million to widen Huntington Drive
through our city that will increase traffic. These projects have
adverse effects on our community: safety of our children, air quality and most
importantly our quality of life in our tranquil City of San Marino.
The prevailing speed on Huntington through San Marino is now up to
48 mph with a posted limit of 40 mph. Metro estimates the speed
limit would increase 16% to 56 mph aided by synchronized traffic
lights and a widened Huntington Drive.
There are 6 schools (4 public, 1 parochial and 1 private) along
Huntington Drive. Do we want cars speeding through at 56 mph during the
start and end of school periods? NO! This is a danger to students who
walk or bike to school.
With that many more cars speeding through, the additional exhaust
pollution will affect the air in and around San Marino. The added noise
and more difficult parking along Huntington Drive affect our safety and quality
of life. We like our quiet, tranquil City; and want to keep it that way.
Remember the 2011 “Carmageddon” $1 Billion Westside 405 Sepulveda Pass Widening
project? Caltrans has conceded that commute times are now longer
than before the project due to even more cars on the widened 405 section
through Sepulveda Pass.
Metro Senior Executive Abdollah Ansari is quoted as saying “This money is only good for capacity
enhancements, operational improvements, traffic synchronizations, items that
pass the traffic through and not traffic calming measures”
Marino. NO BENEFITS for
the tranquil City of San Marino and its citizens.
This petition is to demand that the City Council DO NOT accept any
710 Plan and funding for our City that adversely affects our safety and quality
of life.
The direction of OUR City should be decided by
its taxpaying citizens and not by anyone else.
By signing this petition, we are letting the City Council know that
we DO NOT want any 710 Plan in San Marino or changes to our streets to
accommodate more cars passing through our City.